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The 4th Spatial Planning Platform (SPP) Summary Report

Local Knowledge Platform LLC has successfully delivered the summary report of The 4th Spatial Planning Platform (SPP) which held on Feb 9th 2022, hosted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) and UN-HABITAT Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Link to the report is provided below.

The Spatial Planning Platform (SPP) was established by the government of Japan and the UN-HABITAT in 2018 as a platform, enabling a variety of stakeholders to share experiences and knowledge relating to the formulation and implementation of improved spatial plans. This platform also aims to create a network of stakeholders and to support the formulation and implementation of more effective spatial plans.

The 4th Spatial Planning Platform (SPP) Meeting | UN-HABITAT Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Fukuoka)

Direct link to the summary report (in PDF):


2022年2月9日に開催されました、国土交通省及び国連ハビタットアジア太平洋事務所主催のThe 4th Spatial Planning Platform(SPP第4回会合)のサマリーレポートの制作にLocal Knowledge Platformが携わりました。この度、レポートが公開されましたので、当ブログからも以下リンクを付けております。


The Spatial Planning Platform (SPP) 第4回会合 | UN-HABITAT 国際連合人間居住計画(ハビタット)福岡本部(アジア太平洋担当)



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